In Memory of





Condolence From: Greg Rust Jun 17, 2014
Condolence: I will miss Tom's smiling face at Xavier games...a true fan and a good man.
Tuesday June 17, 2014
Condolence From: Sr. M. Dolores Haas
Condolence: Liebe Familie Siemers, zum Hinübergang ins Ewige Leben von Herrn Siemers sprechen wir, die Armen-Schwestern v. hl. Franziskus, Ihnen unsere herzlichen Anteilnahme aus. Am Grab der seligen Franziska Schervier, hier in unserem Aachener Mutterhaus, werden wir für Herrn Siemers beten. Möge er nun in Gottes Reich der lieben seligen Mutter Franziska begegnen und für uns alle hier auf der Erde ein guter Fürsprecher sein. Im Namen aller Armen-Schwestern vom heiligen Franziskus Sr. Dolores Haas SPSF
Wednesday June 11, 2014
Condolence From: Daniel O'Malia
Condolence: So sorry to hear about this Sieners family. A great person and great X fan and supporter. Always look forward to seeing him at He Gardens, Cintas and on the road. A REAL gentleman. God bless you all!
Wednesday June 04, 2014
Condolence From: North Side Bank and Trust Jun 03, 2014
Condolence: The Siemers Family -
Tuesday June 03, 2014
Condolence From: Jim O'Leary
Condolence: A truly great man! Growing up and going to high school with his daughter Stephanie, many of us spent time over at the Siemers home. It was one of those homes where the kids hung out. From building the home coming float there, to swimming, to helping rake up the leave and picking up the yard, to just hanging out, Mr. and Mrs. Siemers always made us feel at home. They were both genuinely interested in our lives. I learned a lot from just listening to Mr. Siemers. He was interested with my attending XU, and he helped Beth and I buy our first home. Mr. Siemers was a kind, smart, caring man. I remember after we had just beaten Purcell in football my senior year, and it was the first time McNick had beaten a GCL school in football in many years, Mr. Siemers came up to me to tell me that it was the best game I had played all year. To a high school kid that meant a lot and to this day I still remember him telling me that. I was very fortunate to see Mr. Siemers last year when I came home and went to a football game at McNick. There he was in the stands like always, cheering on the Rockets. Mr. Siemers you will be truly missed but my life is much better because you were part of my life. Thank you! You and your family are in our prayers. Jim O'Leary '77 Fayetteville, NC
Tuesday June 03, 2014
Condolence From: North Side Bank and Trust Jun 03, 2014
Condolence: The Siemers Family - All of our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tuesday June 03, 2014
Condolence From: Jeff & Chaarmaine Hughes
Condolence: What a fine gentle-man Tom was. It was always a pleasure to be in his company. Memories of him will forever be in our hearts!
Monday June 02, 2014
Condolence From: Ray Doth
Condolence: My condolences to Tom's family. I pray that your faith will help you through this painful journey. I knew Tom for so long as a result of his being not only a customer but also a Board member for our Company. He was a fine upstanding gentleman with very strong faith. And he loved Xavier! I am out of town so I will be unable to attend any of the services but know that my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. Ray Doth Intrieve
Monday June 02, 2014
Condolence From: Sue Goulet
Condolence: I know when basketball season starts I will be expecting to see him come up the steps by my seat. Tom taught me to be positive and remember how blessed I am. I hope I can live out the rest of my life with as much class and dignity as he did.
Monday June 02, 2014
Condolence From: Maureen Murphy Coz Jun 01, 2014
Condolence: A great man-and leader of a great family. Always kind, friendly and generous. Always supported me at McNick and XU.
Sunday June 01, 2014
Condolence From: A friend Jun 01, 2014
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear of Tom's passing, you and your family are in my prayers. He was a great man and I always looked forward to seeing you and Tom at Saturday Mass when I was when I was taking care of the chapel. He will surely be missed. Sr. Clare-St Margaret Hall
Sunday June 01, 2014
Condolence From: Steve Von Hoene
Condolence: My condolences to Suzie and the whole Siemers family. Tom was a great man. I had the good fortune to meet him and share some special interest activities with him a few years ago. What a huge heart, a strong faith, and a wonderful, caring gentleman.
Saturday May 31, 2014
Condolence From: Shari Einsel May 31, 2014
Condolence: One of Cincinnati's greatest treasures. I am so honored to have him as a friend.
Saturday May 31, 2014
Condolence From: Steve Rosenbaum
Condolence: Condolences to the Siemers Family. Tom has been most respected in all of his endeavors.
Saturday May 31, 2014
Condolence From: Ed Schellhaas
Condolence: My sympathy goes out to the family. Tom was a great person. He was a strong leader in the financial industry.
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: A friend May 30, 2014
Condolence: I met Tom in the early 80's coaching basketball at Xavier. I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to have been friends with Tom and his family for over 25 years. Tom was a great role model for all of us. A great friend to Xavier University. He will be missed. Tom when you get a chance give Skip a big hug! Mike
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: Bob Siegel
Condolence: Tom was a wonderful and caring person. I will miss him.
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: Ron Schuckman
Condolence: So sorry to hear of tom's passing. I was also a Purcell & Xavier graduate and knew of Tom through my grandfather Henry Schuckman who was on the original board at franklin savings and loan. Give my best to his wife and to Barry. God bless.
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: Ann and Mark Gartner
Condolence: There are way too many good memories of Tom to write down in this space. Growing up next door to the Siemers only added to an idyllic childhood. Tom made everyone he knew feel like family, and he would go above and beyond to help with any situation. Despite all the responsibilities he dealt with, he would drop everything to help anyone who could benefit from his insight or influence. He leaves a wonderful legacy of service, encouragement and caring that will live on in all the people he has touched through the years.
Friday May 30, 2014
Condolence From: Dan Cloran
Condolence: My family and I are very sad at Tom's passing. In the words of Tom, "I'm Blessed" to have known him and called him a friend. He impacted my life through Franklin Savings Loans, donations to Xavier and simple conversations and advice he passed along on our trips and interactions. The most fun memory of Tom was when we were making a long run in the NCAA tourney and he wore his lucky tie everywhere and to every game... what fond memories... Lastly, I remember him always wearing a Franklin Savings lapel pin on his jacket and he always had the American Flag as well... Sad to lose a great American and friend! Prayers and love for Susie and her family! GOD BLESS!
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Kim (Hughes) Guidi
Condolence: I still vividly remember the night of my wedding when Tom put a $50 bill in my hand to dance with the bride. Tom always had a way of making people feel so special and loved. He was truly a caring, compassionate and wonderful man. To this day, I wish I would have put a $50 bill in his hand for being a true example of what God's love is about. Tom was my mother's cousin (Joan Poppe Hughes). Joan idolized Tom and considered him one of her heroes. He always looked out for her. I would love to be a fly on the wall in heaven to see that reunion! To Suzie, Don, Cathy and the Gang: May the wonderful memories of Tom be a great source of joy and comfort during this sorrowful time. Our loss is Heaven's Gain.
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: A friend May 29, 2014
Condolence: I meet Tom through the Savings and Loan Association, I was new to this business, and although a competitor so to speak. Tom was always there to help, answer questions and guide me. He was one of the good guys. God bless and Thanks Tom, rest in peace. Bob (Judy) Imbus
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Dan Nolting
Condolence: Uncle Tom,
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Gary Lane and Betty Lane
Condolence: What a wonderful man Tom was and he took such good care of my mother over the years while she worked at Franklin Savings and Loan. You will be missed Tom. Our prayers are with the family.
Thursday May 29, 2014
Condolence From: Elaine Leonard
Condolence: Tom,you enriched the lives of all who met you and hundreds xx more.. A life well lived. Rest now my friend, the world is a better place because of you. HUGS Elaine
Thursday May 29, 2014